While many people have happily adopted the license terms of HueForge, a few have held some reasonable concerns. As a long intended update that has been back-burnered for too long, I am adding these new terms to the TOS.
These terms are effective as of Monday December 11th 2023 but are only enforceable on those redownloading, updating, or purchasing after that date. You may continue to operate under the prior TOS if you prefer, but I don’t see why you would. Anyone downloading the v0.7.0 update when it is released (Edit: In the next two weeks hopefully) will be under these terms.
Here are the adjustments.
Limited Commercial
Professional Commercial
Lifetime Professional
Everything is MORE permissive. Any product produced under the license period is now explicitly yours to sell forever, without limitation. And I make clear many ways in which a “product” might be altered that has no bearing on it’s salability even if those changes are made post license expiration.
The only addition that is more restrictive, is to bring the requirement which is currently on the product listing into the license. A requirement to display your ID # so that buyers can be certain that they are buying from someone with a legitimate license and that I can spot check to make sure those selling HueForge prints are doing so with a proper license. This protects me AND sellers who do not want to have to compete with people who did not pay for the same capabilities they themselves paid for. There is no watermarking or modification of your model/printed product required in any way.
As usual the full license files are available to read here:
Limited Commercial
Professional Commercial
Lifetime Professional
I'm absolutely OK with this, anything I need to do.let me know please.
so how do i update from 6.5 to 7 ? non commercial . thanks