UPDATE: A few issues with this build have been identified
The last color swap is missing from Describe. This has been fixed in HotFix 0.6.1 which is JUST the EXE and defaults.json (this isn’t part of that fix, but my defaults weren’t really standard)
The Model Geometry/Slider docks interfere with each other on smaller monitors, especially those with scaling in Windows. I have a fix for this in testing.
The Color Aware has a bug with how it deals with grayscale. This also is fixed in testing. Expect a hotfix 0.6.2 tonight.
07/25/2023 Version 0.6.0
Release Notes:
New Features:
OpenGL 3.3 Renderer is now the default creating much better compatibility with minimal to zero loss in performance. (Probably due to my awful GL 4.3 implementation) More GPUs should now work with good details an no loading crashes.
Hugely simplified Shaders which will also be more compatible with more cards (that have limited spots for Uniforms)
Added .usersettings.ini which will be created after your first run
Contains the Max Height/Width/Depth mm values (You may edit it to set a max size larger than 300x300mm)
Contains the Max Triangles Value (You may edit it to allow more triangles)
Contains Max Uncompressed Image Size in MB (Already increased quite a bit from default, virtually all large images should load now, but you can boost it if you need)
Added Windows menu to restore docks when closed. (You must still double-click the title bar to redock)
Remembers your last Project Directory and defaults to reuse it
Remembers your last STL Export folder and defaults to it
You may choose to always export STLs to that folder, even when saving projects
All STL File Naming options are now persisted across sessions.
Gives you a side by side view of updated Filaments when Saving filament or quitting HueForge. You may save any, all, or none.
Owned and Unowned categories in the Filament Library may be collapsed by double-clicking on the category label
ALL properly formatted ANYNAME.json files are imported at the start and combined into owned/unowned filament libraries. The root directory is read first, then Community, then Vendor Libraries and any duplicates are ignore. This is a first step at a true import/export functionality.
Updated Color Aware Luminance Method builds a Blue→Red→Green stack with grayscale spread throughout. Still very alpha, it does have uses, especially in more flat shaded images/comics, but it is very counter intuitive to use without a lot of practice.
TDs in the Filament Library are locked unless double-clicked or right click→Unlocked. You can repeat the process to lock it again.
BambuLabs Vendor Library is added
Polymaker Vendor Library updated with PETG/ASA/ABS
Updated to Qt LTS 6.5.1 - you will need to overwrite your entire folder. The filament library is renamed and will not conflict. (Feel free to back it up)
sRGB linearize is now optional, not baked in.
Image manipulation metadata is obeyed (rotation in particular)
Color Sliders now scale vertically with the dock.
Added links to YouTube and Polymaker Filament Packs
Added Filament Sets for the Filament Packs
Added Color Aware example project
Brightness Adjust now has options for how big each adjustment step is next to it on the left. Pick between 0.1, 0.01 (default), and 0.001. Useful when you are so close and one step is too much.
Describe Dialog give more understandable directions and warns about mixed filament types and colors above the height of the mesh.
Added Owned/Unowned sub-categories to Set Filament option in slider right click menu.
Fixed issue with 0 height sliders showing up as the top color in Clipped and Dynamic Depth modes
Image extensions are no longer case sensitive
Fixed RGB/BGR ordering error in Luminance model. Blue will be properly below red now. Old projects will load in Legacy mode but can be switched.
Lithophane Projects will load with their slider order properly assigned.
Files should save properly in alternate directories if they are set instead of insisting on saving in Projects or the HueForge root directory.
Images shared between multiple projects with distinct names should work properly.
Describe and Remesh buttons moved to the top so they cannot be hidden under the Model Geometry Dock
Luminance Image properly updates with changes to luminance, negative, and new image files.
Switching between Filament Painting and Lithophane modes now switches the Negative checkbox for expected Luminance Image behavior and simpler shader.
TD Spinbox now steps by 0.1mm instead of 1.
Fixed crash on loading of files with too many triangles for your system. ( Mostly by removing that limit but also fixing how the check works)
Dark Mode/Light Mode selection will stick. It will load based on your OS unless you set it at which point it will stick.
Updated Defaults to be a little more appropriate for Filament Painting and people’s expected behavior.
Removed a good amount of legacy OpenGL code
Known Issues
Repeatedly switching between Filament Painting and Lithophane mode while reducing the number of sliders will cause color ordering to get lost.
Low Min Detail meshes are sometimes non-manifold at parts of the edge
Color Aware often leads to speckles on your image and is possibly less intuitive than the Luminance mode
High TD filaments with very small number of very thin layers can overstate how much color contribution they will make.
Height Range Colors still need to subtract one layer height to be correct
LPR Still Exists
Loading an STL followed by an image leads to images with lots of zero height areas. Restarting HueForge is the workaround.
It would be really nice if this would export a 3MF to be able to bring into the popular slicers, with the appropriate models separated so that it was easy to assign colors - for people who own an AMS or Prusa MMU. Since the AMS and Prusa MMU are the most popular, and based on PrusaSlicer, I'd probably set up a project there, export it - and then replicate what PrusaSlicer exports, and make it so HueForge exports something similar. That would make the process much easier and faster.
Thanks for the hard work! Im stoked to set up now.