Jul 18, 2023ยทedited Jul 18, 2023Liked by Horn & Rhode

Shut up and take my money... oh wait, you already have taken my money ;-)

I'll sit quietly till it is released for Intel Mac please....

PS: for those with a license, will you email out a new download link?

Thanks in advance.

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There will be a new download link sent out.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Horn & Rhode

very cool, nice to see there is progress in background

can't wait to get it on my Mac silicon :)

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Jul 18, 2023ยทedited Jul 18, 2023Liked by Horn & Rhode

Sweet! I canโ€™t wait. Watching HueForge stuff pop up on printables w/o being able to generate my own is driving me crazy. ;-)

PS: I am happy to beta test on m1! Iโ€™m a software engineer by day if that helps you decide.

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*notes* Guy who knows how to tell how bad my software is wants to be my tester.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Horn & Rhode

Lol: Guy who writes bad software regularly? ;-) all software is what it is for reasons. Iโ€™ve been doing software development since the 80โ€™s and I rarely do UI stuff because itโ€™s so hard. So I wonโ€™t judge anything too harshly.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Horn & Rhode

OMG this is amazing and I will sit here impatiently waiting and not ask about timelines as I am a grateful person who knows better than to poke a developer :)

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Horn & Rhode

Thank you so much. You're really doing great for us *thumbsup*

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Horn & Rhode


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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Horn & Rhode

Nice! Looking good so far. Is this for Intel Mac?

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M1/M2 right now, though I've been told that Universal Binaries are a thing and not too hard to build.

Intel will currently work in VMWare Fusion with Hardware Level 20.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Horn & Rhode

Thanks for the update! Can't wait

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Waiting for M1/M2 release ^_^

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Voila Une bonne nouvelle, รงa progresse.

Aprรจs les echecs avec "parallels desktop" j'avais essayรฉ comme tu me l'avais suggรฉrรฉ la virtualisation via "VMware" mais sans succรฉs.

alors oui hate de pouvoir tester une version fonctionnelle pour Mac ;)

Bon je me suis tout de mรชme dรฉjร  bien amusรฉ, et j'ai pu partager quelques tutoriels sur Instagram et Tiktok.

Au prix du soft ,franchement c'est top.


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Canโ€™t wait! (And my husband canโ€™t wait to get his Windows laptop back. ๐Ÿคฃ)

One suggestion - is there a way for you to make the horizontal slide bars also be the filament color (vs all of them blue)? It would make it easier to keep track of which colors are loaded when theyโ€™re not all set to layers yet. As of now, itโ€™s hard to see the color thatโ€™s loaded until you raise the slide bar a few layers. Thank you!

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