I have the Limited Commercial MAC OS version 0.6.5 and my order # is above #9217. Do I need to do anything?

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You do not need to do anything.

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It appears playing ‘hookie’ from work to HueForge is paying off ❤️. I will definitely be trying this out right way 😎.

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good news and sounds intriguing, i have stopped hue forging as i am unable to get the results i want with current release, so eager to get the update

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Bon courage et merci pour cette application de qualité et qui évolue toujours dans le bon sens. Je débute depuis peu, je ne maîtrise pas encore. Mais j'avoue me faire plaisir au top.

Bravo, bonne continuation

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Very much looking forward to seeing the progress !!!

Thanks for all the hard work.

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I can hardly wait!

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