Do you ever sleep? Fantastic work thank you.

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I plead the 5th

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Merci pour ce logiciel ;-)

Un bug à signaler. Lorsque je passe en mode color watch et que je mets egalement une bordure, le stl généré présente un décalage en bas. En mode combo, aucun priobleme. Pouvez vous regarder ? Merci par avance.

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This is a known bug and it will be fixed in the update.

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I cannot update, I would like to.

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Sounds like most likely you need to follow the instructions in the Store FAQ

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Actually based on your user name here, that's not the issue. You have access to the update either through the email from Digital Downloads Pro or through your account page (click on you order and there should be a download link)

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I used to run HF off a network drive, so that I could run it from my downstairs laptop when I was working on HFs there, and from my upstairs laptop near my 3D printer when I needed to get into it for a tweak. The latest version seems to have broken the ability to do this by moving a bunch of folders. I haven't tracked down exactly what has changed, but I wanted to mention it - my upstairs laptop no longer seems to think that HF is 'installed'.

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Yes it moved the configuration files to AppData/roaming without an option to keep them elsewhere. I will be adding this option for people who want turn sync between multiple systems.

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I'd also like to make a suggestion, perhaps for a later release, which is integration with 3DFilamentProfiles and FilamentColors.xyz. I have a TD-1, but the color detection is way off for a quite a few colors (e.g. my grays are coming out as teals, etc). If we could enter the filament info and scan the TD value using the TD-1, and then search the other sites for the hex code, that might make everything work a lot smoother. Again, just a suggestion (if HF was open source, I'd gladly contribute towards this goal. As it is, I'll probably write a standalone app that could be reworked to use).

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I've talked with Joe about this and he's open to it but I haven't had the time to implement it.

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Having a problem with in windows vers. once hueforge is opened the menus windows are moved they will not resize back to small enough to adjust sliders and have model geometry stacked next to each other. Before could adjust everything with all the menus up. Now I have to close the menus and have only slider up and not even the library too

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The docks can be a real pain for sure. You should be able to delete the HornAndRhode folder in your registry and fix it

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thanks i'll try it..

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