Get well. Thanks for everything and Merry Christmas.

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Hey buddy, your health is more important than a couple days of delay ... I just got over covid (AGAIN FFS ... 4x now ) so let your body get its shit together, then worry about getting the code's shit together

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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Zero worries! Take care and feel better! Looking forward to the new version in the new year!

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Stay healthy... get well - Happy Christmas

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Hope you're fully recovered by now. Not sure how this all works, e.g. if there's a forum or features request area for the UI. But here are some thoughts to improve the slider interface:

1) When a slider is selected, can we make the letters & numbers BOLD and/or highlight it by changing the background to make it more obvious?

2) Currently when you go to the sliders, the UP and DOWN arrow keys allow you to adjust levels up and down. I feel like I should be able to use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to go to the next slider (The way my brain works). But it's currently set to raise and lower the levels as well (seems redundant). I know you *can* use TAB (or Shift+TAB) but you have to hit it twice (hitting TAB once goes to the TD value).

You're doing great work. I can't wait to see future updates.

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I actually have added a visual indication of the currently selected slider. (The outline box changes colors)

I've tried to remap left/right arrows and haven't had success yet, but I think it's a me problem, not a UX problem. It likely won't be in v0.7.0 but I will keep trying.

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Take care of yourself and health clearly comes first. Merry Christmas and thank you for everything you've given us ;-)

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Health is everything after family - get well soon, best wishes and don‘t worry about the rest!

it‘s done when its done ✌🏻

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Rest up, get well, and we'll look forward to an even more refined release after the holidays. Take care and all the best for the season - my stockpile of filament can wait a little longer to be used 😁

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Get well soon. My wife has terrible sore throat and chesty cough for 3 weeks.

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